Quantum Computation Through Nuclear Spin

The nucleus of an atom

The nucleus of an atom is the central core, made up of protons and neutrons. The number of protons in a nucleus determines the element of the atom. For example, hydrogen has one proton, helium has two protons, and carbon has six protons. Neutrons have no charge, while protons have a positive charge.

Nuclear spin

The spin of a nucleus is an intrinsic property of fermions and bosons, representing the total angular momentum of a nucleus depending on its mass number. It can act like a tiny magnet and can be used to store quantum information, which can be exchanged rapidly due to the magnetic interaction between the nucleus and electrons.

It is a quantum property, meaning that it can only have certain discrete values. The possible values of nuclear spin are determined by the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. For example, a nucleus with an odd number of protons or neutrons will have a half-integer spin, while a nucleus with an even number of protons and neutrons will have an integer spin.

Magnetic moment

The magnetic moment of a nucleus is the response of the proton's orbital motion to an external field. It is an important property of nuclei. Nuclei with even numbers of protons and neutrons in the ground state do not exhibit magnetic moments due to pairing of nucleons, which makes the orbital angular momentum zero and gives the spin and angular momentum zero. However, nuclei with odd numbers of nucleons possess spin and angular momentum.

The magnetic moment depends on the total angular momentum possessed by unpaired nucleons and is given by the following equation:

µN = eh/4πMp

where µN is known as the nuclear magneton and Mp is the mass of the proton.

Importance of nuclear spin

The nuclear spin of a nucleus is important in a number of different areas of physics and chemistry. For example, it is used in nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, which is a powerful technique for studying the structure and dynamics of molecules. Nuclear spin is also important in the study of nuclear physics, as it can be used to probe the structure of the nucleus and the forces that hold it together.

Additional details about nuclear spin

The nuclear spin of a nucleus is quantized, meaning that it can only have certain discrete values. The possible values of nuclear spin are determined by the spin of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus.

The nuclear spin of a nucleus is associated with a magnetic moment, which is a tiny magnet. The magnetic moment of a nucleus is proportional to its spin.

The nuclear spin of a nucleus can interact with an external magnetic field. This interaction can be used to study the structure and dynamics of molecules using NMR spectroscopy.

The nuclear spin of a nucleus can also be used to probe the structure of the nucleus and the forces that hold it together.

Nuclear spin states

Nuclear spin states are found at degenerate energy levels in the absence of an external magnetic field. However, when an external magnetic field is applied, the spin is aligned parallel or anti-parallel to the direction of the field. This results in nuclear spin states that are found at non-degenerate energy levels. As a result, two spin states come into existence:

  • The spin-up state, referred to as the α spin state.
  • The spin-down state, referred to as the β spin state.

These two states are created due to the interaction between the external magnetic field and the magnetic moment of the nucleus. The energy of these states is given by the following equation:

E = µz . B0 = - ϒmħB0

where B0 is the strength of the external magnetic field and Ï’ is the gyromagnetic ratio.

The gyromagnetic ratio is a proportionality constant between the magnetic moment of a nucleus and its angular momentum. It is a characteristic property of each nucleus and is denoted by the symbol Ï’. The value of the gyromagnetic ratio for a nucleus can be determined experimentally.

The energy of the α spin state, or the spin parallel to the external magnetic field, is given by:

Eα = - Ï’ (+1/2) ħ B0

The energy of the β spin state, or the spin anti-parallel to the external magnetic field, is given by:

Eβ = - Ï’ (-1/2) ħ B0

The energy difference between the α and β spin states is given by:

Δ= Eα - Eβ = Ï’ ħ B0


  • Eα is the energy of the α spin state
  • Eβ is the energy of the β spin state
  • Ï’ is the gyromagnetic ratio
  • ħ is the reduced Planck constant
  • B0 is the strength of the external magnetic field

Fig. Nuclear spin states in the presence of external magnetic field.
Fig. Nuclear spin states in the presence of external magnetic field.

The spins of nucleons exhibit processional motion about a magnetic field at a characteristic frequency known as the Larmor frequency, ω. The Larmor frequency is given by the following equation:

ω = ϒB0


  • ω is the Larmor frequency
  • Ï’ is the gyromagnetic ratio
  • B0 is the strength of the external magnetic field

If we apply an RF (radiofrequency) signal or electromagnetic field at a right angle to the external field on the α spin state of a nucleon, and if the frequency of the RF signal matches the Larmor frequency of the processing nucleon, then the nucleon will be flipped into the β-spin state by absorbing energy.

Fig. Nuclear spin flip when an RF energy with a specific frequency is applied on nucleus.
Fig. Nuclear spin flip when an RF energy with a specific frequency is applied on nucleus.

Quantum Computation Through Nuclear Spin

Spin states and qubits

The spin down or β spin state is represented by the logic |0⟩, and the spin up or α spin state is represented by the logic |1⟩. These two states can be combined in a superposition, which is a mathematical state that represents both states at the same time. The superposition of the spin states is given by the following equation:

|Ψ⟩ = α|0⟩ + β|1⟩


  • |Ψ⟩ is the quantum state of the spin
  • α and β are complex numbers that represent the probability amplitudes of the spin being in the |0⟩ and |1⟩ states, respectively

The superposition of the spin states can be used to represent a qubit, which is a quantum unit of information. A qubit can be in a superposition of two states, |0⟩ and |1⟩, and it can be used to perform quantum computations.

Fig. Conversion of qubit into low energy or high energy states from superposition of states.
Fig. Conversion of qubit into low energy or high energy states from superposition of states.

Rabi oscillations

If a nucleon transitions to a higher energy level or flips from the α spin state into the energy state of the β spin state with an energy difference ΔE according to the value of the RF frequency, the superposition probability of the α and β spin states exists. This is known as Rabi oscillations, which can be defined as the frequency of the overall fluctuation of the two atomic energy levels during atomic transitions.

Rabi oscillations are a useful method for manipulating qubits, as they allow us to control the probability of the qubit being in either the α or β spin state. This can be used to perform quantum computations.


If N spin states of nucleons are entangled, they would give 2N values at a time. This is because entanglement allows the spin states to be correlated with each other, even at large distances. This makes it possible to perform quantum computations faster than classical computers on large scales.

Fig. Nuclear spin flip qubit
Fig. Nuclear spin flip qubit

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